New Year’s Resolutions: Sharing My Word for 2021
Two years ago, the beloved Puerto Rican morning news anchor women, Keila Hernandez, passed away from a rough battle with a pretty aggressive Cancer. She was roughly 2 years older than me…a busy working mom…raising kids in the midst of her faith. It hit me hard… It hit us all in a very profound sense…but when I look back at it, I learned it hit me in a good way…
It made me search inside for all that I had treasure, but I was missing…
For a few months prior to her death, I had started listening to a Catholic-Based Podcast (Abiding Together), about conversations among three friends who share their very own experiences, as they journey in life together. While we all in Puerto Rico were mourning Keila’s passing, I was also blessed by learning from three other wonderfull women. With them, I learned a better way to see the beginning of a New Year, as a refreshing opportunity to get closer to the person I want to be. They challenged me to reflect on ONLY one word or phrase that would guide my QUEST throughout the whole year.
I had never been fond of writing New Year’s Resolutions. I found them useless for me. Many times they were lame, and at the end of the year unattainable. I know they may work for some, but NOT for me. So, I quickly joined this new way of reflecting on my present state, where I want to be, and how far I want to grow.
The How To:
According to Sister. Miriam, Michelle, and Heather the word for the year:
- Gives us a theme to focus on
- Should help us shape our heart, mind, and direction through the year
- Should be the result of profound reflection
My Quest:
At the beginning of 2019, right after Keila’s passing, her experiences shared through social media resonated in my heart and my Word for the Year was a phrase:

In those days, I needed to focus myself on the whole meaning of being alive…enjoying, and being grateful for every little moment. Similar to what affirmations do to your brain, these words stock to my thoughts and they continue to transform me every day.
Unaware about the coming Pandemic, my word for 2020 was an apparently simple…
Without knowing, but certainly in need to be humanized, I was confronted this year to a word that guided me and our family through this tough times. This word reminded me that I am a creature of nature, and as such, I am not only subject to it, but I also belong within it. Through this Pandemic year I have reflected, and realized, how much I rather live as a vulnerable creature, than as a high-tech and productive pseudo-robot!
That desire has brought me to my 2021 word:
With this, I don’t mean the commitment that meets other people’s expectations of me. But rather, and even more profound, the commitment and compromise that may guide me to meet my own expectations about who I want to become.
For years, I have strived to stay committed to everyone else around me; to meet their needs, or expectations the best I honestly can… I know this arises from a noble and true desire to serve, and to serve well…and I don’t intend to walk away from serving.
However, I have discovered, that revolving daily to reach only those alien expectations, give me a false, temporary sense of satisfaction… Sometimes a feeling of overlapping sadness, rather than true happiness…
I have come to learn that I can only give from what I own! And what I need to own is my self: the person I am, and the person I want to become…
I learned that I need to PAY ATTENTION to my self if I want to thrive, and better serve others…
The QUESTion I share with you is:
What kind of HUMAN creature you want to be, and how will you COMMIT to reach that person? …. Oh, and make sure you are THANKFUL while QUESTING towards your upgraded self!

- to my personal interests
- to my personal goals
- to my spirituality
- to my overall self-care
- to my physical and mental health